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Friday, November 6, 2015

On Tumblr...

I am disappointed. I launched my new blog on Tumblr and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened! I am a very patient person, but when I have a feeling, I follow it, and I have a feeling I need a new platform. I am not a very technologically savvy person, so my blog is going to be #basic and I won't have super cool pictures or memes that people want to follow or reblog. All I have are my words, so I am changing platforms! I am beginning this new blog to see where it will take me. Maybe somewhere, maybe nowhere; either way its worth a shot. I don’t really know what I will write about, at least not until I get inspired. 

So here goes something! If you like it, read it, reblog it, comment, or do whatever your heart desires. If you don’t, then scroll on by. Just know that I’ll miss you!
Au revoir!

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