Water Play
I wish I had thought of this on my own, but I cannot take credit. I had a small sheet pan I filled halfway with water and I added two rubber ducks. He LOVED this! I planned on the water getting all over the place, so I set the tray on the hardwood and set the Boppy at the edge of the rug so that his body would be on the soft rug. Sure enough, water was EVERYWHERE, but I quickly cleaned it up with the Swiffer and my husband never even knew the mess that had been there. I didn't plan, however, for him to be able to move the sheet pan, and I especially didn't think he would pick it up. I'm telling you, this kid surprises me everyday with his knowledge and strength. Anyway, the mess was intensified by the water sloshing over the edge so that there was barely any left. But he had so much fun playing with the water! I will definitely do this again, just maybe with a bigger or heavier water container.
Texture/Temperature Play
Peas! Who knew peas would be so fun. I filled a Ziplock freezer bag with frozen peas and taped it to the floor (using painter's tape of course!). Again, the peas were on the hardwood for when the condensation pooled under the bag, and he was on the rug with the Boppy at the edge in between. This one didn't last as long, and I definitely thought he would love this one. He wasn't opposed, but he was frustrated that he couldn't put the bag in his mouth (plastic + baby's mouth = nothing good). I still have the peas in the bag so I will try this again, but this wouldn't be a go to.
It saddens me when babies rip up and chew on books, but today I let it happen. I definitely want to teach Daxton to respect literature of any type, and he has books specifically for his drooly mouth, but today I let him go at it. He seems to love holding, opening, and closing books, and that makes this bookworm mama's heart so happy. He has an overflow of books, I literally have no more room! Any chance I can give him to find joy in books is something I can get behind.