Friday, April 21, 2017

On Appreciating the Bad Days

So that vacation we took wasn't much of a vacation. Dax was super extra fussy all day. He took a decent nap this morning but teething is really taking its toll. You know when your kid is really off and nothing works so you just have to hold him and love one him--I basically had to hold him all day. I'm not complaining about it at all. Maybe it is because I had already decided to do nothing today or maybe God put a peace over my heart, but I remained strong and positive all day. That is a huge feat considering I only got 3 hours of sleep. However, I was shriveling up inside. In my mind I pictured myself crawling under the covers and bawling until Stephen comes home tomorrow. 

Come 3 PM, I realized it was no where close to bedtime and we were going a little stir crazy. My mom suggested that we go to the park. So off we went, swiftly grabbing a few items we needed and forgetting a lot of others, like sun protection in the way of sunscreen (necessary evil) and bonnets. I knew being in the car would help him sleep too. Of course he was fussy on the way to the park, but once he got in that swing he was so happy! I felt so relieved. All my anxiety came out as hyper-excitement. As a mom with a very small baby who can't even sit in his own, things get boring fast. So we moved into the big swing and I swing with him in my lap. He loved it and the kids at the park loved him and D loved all the attention. Eventually my legs grew numb and we had to move on. He was extra fussy in the car but I knew he was tired, so I made up a new game: drive wherever and do what you can to not have to stop. If you're approaching a red light, get in the right hand lane; if you're going through a parking lot, keep turning for different exits; if you're approaching traffic, make a turn just before and discover something new. I got him to sleep and went to Chick-fil-A. Once he fell asleep, I felt the after shock of my anxiety; the nausea, headache, shakes, tears, like coming off a caffeine high. I could barely process the day and I knew it wasn't over yet. He woke up right as we got home and we were back to square one, except we were much closer to bedtime. I gave him some green beans (we started them this morning, he loved them, there are pics below) and he was happy on his own for a bit, long enough for me to catch my breath. Then we took a bath and D is now asleep in my arms. I want to put him down but then that means we are closer to sleep and closer to tomorrow and closer to five months and closer to a year and closer to him moving out for college! No matter how hard the days are, I wouldn't trade them for anything. Sure it would be nice for Stephen to be here to help, but then I would miss out on a cuddling period or a diaper change (yes, I cherish those). I know I am so lucky to experience bad days with Daxton. I love my baby and one day I will look back on this time and think nothing but melancholic thoughts that this phase has passed. I'm going to make sure to carpe diem

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