Saturday, November 7, 2015

On Being Me

Before I hit the world with my thoughts and dreams, I decided I should take some time and formally introduce myself. But then I realized, introductions suck! They're either boring, tedious, or common. So here are 15 quick facts if you ever encounter Tabitha and wish for a conversation starter...
1. I am an old soul. At the age of 23, I prefer tea to coffee, pen and paper to Microsoft Word, face-to-face conversation, and early nights in. 
2. There are four ways directly into the deepest parts of my soul: music, dance, wine, and books.
3. I don’t have any favorites. I have no favorite color, no favorite ice cream flavor, no favorite book, but I have preferences that change as quickly as the winds.
4. I don’t watch much TV, but I can watch movies all day, especially if they’re older classics. Audrey Hepburn is a goddess.
5. Design is everything! That is my life motto...not really, but it is a statement I truly believe. Everything is designed in some way, whether it’s the design to build your home, or your computer, or the design that was made for your clothing, or the ad that made you want to buy that clothing. I love the world of design, and I always pay close attention, especially to the design of Earth.
6. I lied. I do have a favorite. My favorite time of year is September 21-January 21. Do I need to justify this or can everyone agree that it is the best time of year?
7. I absolutely, unquestionably loathe and detest liars, the entitled, and bullies. 
8. I love to create anything: food, dessert, home decor, clothing, choreography. If I can create, there is no stopping this right-side-favoring brain!
9. Babies and the elderly are the most important types of people on Earth. Watching either of them can give you a completely new life perspective. 
10. Did I already mention books? Well, books are so important, they will be mentioned again. Have you ever gone into a bookstore and found the least populated, darkest corner to sit, open a new book, and smell the pages? If not, I promise it will be a life-changing experience. If my advice fails you and you feel that you have wasted your time, then you are too far gone you millennial robot and there is no helping you and your Kindle.
11. I find myself most at peace when I can put away my technology, get a large, comfy blanket, find a cozy armchair, and read. Tea in the morning or wine at night. There is nothing better.
12. I still take baths. And you can bet that it will be a candle lit bubble bath!
13. I’m an anxious, OCD, germaphobe. It’s unfortunate, but it’s who I am.

14. There are some things that exude romance simply by existing. Those are gentlemen who open your door, snow, and peonies. Always go for peonies. Don't settle for roses or gerber daises.

15. I don't believe in gender equality. I believe in freedom. Society has to work out what that means, as it has been for centuries. Give society a break. We are always breaking the norms, it comes with the territory of existing. It's called evolution. Anyway, why should women settle for equality?

I hope these facts were everything you hoped they would be. If you want to know more, all you have to do is ask. Do so anonymously, or let me know who you are and we can become friends. 
Au revoir,

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