Monday, February 1, 2016

On Being Productive

Wow! It's been a big week for little Rosemary+James. Today, Rosemary+James got business cards, mailed out the first OFFICIAL orders, got new supplies, and finally launched an Etsy shop( Earlier this week, Rosemary+James started an Instagram account (rosemaryandjamesshop) and ordered an embosser. Though all these may seem like inconsequential events to anyone else, to me, they are all super exciting! This shop is something I've been waiting to do for so long, and I mean SO LONG! If you've talked to me at all over the past year, you've probably heard me say "I'm opening an Etsy shop soon," or "I'm hoping to launch my shop in two weeks". But I finally did it! But c'mon T, why did it take so long?

As I've said before, I am an over-thinker. Not only that, but I have a habit of making things into a bigger deal than they are. I get too excited about something and have a hard time following up with the expectations I've laid out. So, as any normal person would do, I put it off. I was scared of not meeting expectations and I was nervous about the work I would have to put in. I set deadlines for myself and continued to practice and improve. Finally, demand got to a point that I knew I could either give up the possibility of a business and success or embrace it and make good on the promises I made to myself and others. My obsession for perfection may have also held me back, knowing there are other products out there that are presented better, other people who produce more consistent or fluid calligraphy, other shops with a better business model. I want the best, so I held off for the best. But I learned that perfection is a terrible goal, so I made a list of small goals. After meeting each one, I knew I was one step closer.

Productivity is not something I have ever been wonderful at. I really do not know why I put things off. But everyone does it, right? We know there is something that is going to be demanding of our time, our money, our social skills, so we put it off, hoping the responsibility will suddenly disappear; maybe we will win the lottery, or invent a time machine, or maybe find some awesome magic coupon code that will take care of all our bills. We all keep procrastinating and with that comes the thoughts of our nagging tasks and the feeling of guilt when we finally have to admit that we have done something to make our lives difficult. As I'm writing this, the nine year old I nanny for is growing increasingly upset that I am making her get all her homework done today, even though it is due Friday' she would rather play with her friends today and do it all Thursday night. Even the youngest generation is already learning how to procrastinate. I guess all I'm trying to say is that we should really take charge of our lives and stop allowing ourselves to suffer the consequences of procrastination. Stop asking yourself why you are putting off those tasks and do them!
Just do it!

1 comment:

  1. Wise words and perfect for me to hear after attending a webinar on writing. Dreaming, perfection, procrastination ... all dominant character traits in our family. However, I don't believe I know of a more talented and creative bunch. Thanks for the push my dear niece, love tia rosemarie
