Tuesday, March 28, 2017

On a Big Day!

What a day! So many exciting things happened and I'm just loving life! 

First, my teething, regressing 4 month old slept about 9 hours! If you read the article I included in my previous post (http://thebringitonmom.blogspot.com/2017/03/on-gods-hidden-blessings.html?m=1), you know the cause of this 4 month sleep regression is basically that your child thinks they're well rested when they wake up between sleep cycles. Daxton has always been a rockstar at connecting his cycles. I remember when we were still in the hospital, he had fallen asleep and my whole family was in the room. We heard him start to stir so we all froze and looked to see if he was waking. I watched him connect his sleep cycles for the first time at that moment and I'm sure my dad thought I was being dramatic in my excitement, but what a special thing! Anyway, last night, he fell asleep around 9:30. He started to wake between cycles twice, my husband gave D his paci, and he was back to sleep in seconds. He finally woke up at 6:30! I thought he was up for the day, but I still wanted to see if he would sleep more. He went back to sleep from 6:45-8:30! How awesome and crazy is that. 

Thank God I had all that sleep because I had two babies to care for today. One of my friends has a son exactly 2 months younger than D so they're obvs BFFL's. I got to take care of him and we had a whole day to hang out. It was so fun to get the boys together! Last night I asked Stephen, "Am I crazy for agreeing to take on two babies tomorrow?" He answered, "Yes!" I said, "Okay. What would you have done?" He replied, "Say yes!" It was such a blast, but of course there were some obstacles. D's BFF has 4 siblings, so he is used to sudden and loud noises. Daxton is an only child in a small apartment and is super jumpy! Daxton cried every time his friend cried(but not the other way around!). We went on a walk and carrying the two was definitely a challenge, but I crushed it! I wrapped that little baby and carried Dax downstairs. I put Dax in his stroller and we went on our merry way. All in all, it was a success and I got some super cute pics to prove it! 

While I was taking care of two babies, I had to juggle feeding them. D is still nursing like a champ, so that added and extra challenge. I've been using a nipple shield to nurse because Dax and I have both dealt with some issues making breastfeeding extremely difficult. I was a wreck the first month of his life trying to figure out how to make it work. I was so ready to give up, and just resorted to depending on the shield. I hate using that thing because it's such a hassle; putting it on and making sure it stays on, cleaning it, remembering to bring it with me where ever I go. Today, I thought Daxton wasn't going to nurse at all. He wouldn't turn to eat, he wouldn't latch, he just wasn't having it. Anxiety took over my mind (God kept my soul at peace all day and I was anxiety free, save this moment in my mind) and I thought of the worst case scenario: that Daxton wouldn't want to nurse or eat all day and I would have to figure out how to pump as well as taking care of the two babies. Amidst the feeding chaos, Daxton nudged the shield off with his cheek and latched on shield-less. This in itself wasn't such a miracle because he has gone without here or there, but usually not for long. He spend this entire nursing session without! Then again later. And yet again and again and again! I am so happy I never gave up on breastfeeding and I am so hopeful in continuing to breastfeed!

The last big thing to bless us today was our new exersaucer! Grammy bought D an activity center for our big guy who loves to stand and stomp his legs! Fun turn of events, this mama set it up with very little help from Daddy! He was having a blast! He figured out so much so quickly: the turning, the standing, the grabbing, the buttons. He even moved pieces on the bendy thing (I don't know a better way to explain it). We loved watching him and I'm pretty sure this will make our lives a million times easier! I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!


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