Friday, April 14, 2017

On the Easy Way

Daxton is going through a sleep regression. It gets worse each night. Where he was waking once throughout the night, or not at all, he is now waking 2+ times a night. He is waking up earlier every morning, and I have had my first migraine in a very long time today because of my lack of sleep. We have been trying to transition out of our Ollie swaddle for weeks, but he moves so much and wakes himself up that we are missing out on vital sleep. I have been praying every night during these wake periods that God would put a peace on his heart that would allow him to sleep longer. Another Insta mama wrote a post that perfectly summed up why my prayers won't be answered how I want them to. I am praying for the easy way. I am praying for God to take the challenge out of motherhood. I have grown in every aspect of my life since welcoming my little babe and the growth will never stop. These regressions are challenging me to be a more patient mama. I am being prepared for the late nights when he is out with his friends after a football game or when he isn't even home because he's away at college. Nothing God does is easy. He sent His son to death, surely a difficult task. Jesus willingly gave himself up for death, knowing how difficult that was. The resurrection is such a difficult thing to base a faith on. As Christians, we are told that a man died (normally an event of finality) and woke up three days later and skipped out of his grave. We are asked to believe and profess this event to the ridicule of many. We are asked to remain steadfast through the challenges of Christianity. It's not easy, but it makes us stronger, makes our faith stronger, makes our community stronger.

Tonight at our Good Friday experience, Wade Joye said that we can get so caught up in our struggles that we lose sight of what God is doing in our lives. As I write this, Daxton has fallen asleep on me with his head on my shoulders. He hasn't fallen asleep like this in a long while and I didn't realize how much I've missed it. My prayer will become a request for God to give me strength and patience to set an example for my baby boy. I will praise God for the extra moments we get of sweet smiles and coos. I will praise God for a healthy baby boy who is beyond perfection and cherish the lessons I learn in the challenges.

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