Friday, April 21, 2017

On Taking a Break

I've been so busy lately, always coming or going, always driving. Daxton has been super fussy in his car seat and I'm wondering if he is thinking the same thing I am...let's take a break! *cue Hamilton soundtrack* I don't know why I've been so busy and I don't know why I don't just chill. I need to retreat. I need to cancel plans, not make any new ones, forget about errands, and just stay home for a day with my baby, cuddling and watching Gilmore Girls. I find myself rushing things so we could move on or putting D down so I can clean and get stuff done. I am officially on a home vacation. I'm not leaving unless I feel led and it will be leisurely and spontaneous and fun. I'm talking no errands, no chores, no worries. So much to the point that I'll get drive thru junk food for dinner so I can spend more time with my baby. He's almost 5 months. I won't be able to call him a baby much longer. He will be a toddler and saying, "No, I don't want to," before I know it. So while Dad is away until tomorrow night, Daxton and I are gonna chill. Sorry Stephen, but the place will probably be a mess when you get home. The dishes are clean in the dishwasher, half a load of laundry is still in the dryer, the dining room table has become a depository for mail, books, toys, and Easter candy, pillows are strewn lazily on the couch, oh look, more laundry on the couch! The PlayStation is hanging on a chair in the middle of the living room and there are quite a few seltzer cans clandestinely placed around the house. I have a project half finished on the mantle and the other half on the chest in the living room. So now that I've listed all that I would have to do, I don't feel so bad about not doing it! All for this moment...

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