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Monday, March 27, 2017

On a 4 Month Check Up

Ah where has the time gone? Was it really only a year ago I found out I was pregnant? And now my baby is 4 months old! 

We went to the doctor today for his 4 month check up, which meant more shots. At his two month appointment, I was so nervous for them to administer the shots. I know my baby doesn't like the pain; no one does. But once they gave the vaccines (one in each thigh), his face turned purple as he tried to scream. It was the absolute most horrifying thing I've seen. The veins popped in his skull and he was so miserable. I am definitely for my children getting vaccines. So many diseases have been eradicated because of them. Scientists have done through research (*Michael Scott voice* "This check is made out to Science..."). I don't want my child to be the cause OR effect of an epidemic. I know this is super controversial and not at all what I want to talk about, so I'll stop there. His reaction isn't going to prevent me from having him get these vaccines. I have learned throughout my short time on earth that, though they may try with all their might, a parent cannot and should not shield a child from all pain. We live in a world in which we can find pain in beauty and beauty in pain. It takes a mature person to see life that way, and I hope my son will be one of those people. So if he falls and gets a scrape, I will encourage him to find positivity in that. If a girl breaks his heart, I will encourage him to figure out how that was good (after I break her face). 
So this time, I held him while he received his vaccinations. I didn't give him anything before or after because I didn't want it to affect the vaccinations. He sat in my lap and I gave him my finger to gnaw on. Yeah, he still fussed. He still really didn't like it, and even I didn't want to look. Unfortunately, it seems as if he got his mother's abhorrence for needles. But he calmed down so much faster and took a killer nap after! He was such a trooper. He was all smiles and giggles for the nurses. Doctor said he was amazing and his head is perfectly shaped! He was aware and taking it all in. I would say he did really well!

Current stats: Daxton is:
16 lbs 13.5 oz (76%)
27.5 inches (>99%)
43 cm head (86%)

How did this mama make it through? Clean Juice smoothie before, celebratory Tenders milkshake after!

Also, I had to take out D's head cushion in his carseat and move up the straps to the highest slot!

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