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Sunday, March 26, 2017

On A New Style

I'm noticing my days are beginning to blur together. When asked for my best mom life moment this week, I couldn’t think of one. I’m realizing that the little moments I cherish as they’re happening are becoming lost in the passing of everyday. The negativities and stresses tend to block out the parts of my day that have brought me joy. 

I used to view blogging as a medium for me to write out something of true substance rather than a brief gallery of pictures or a summary of my day, because who is going to want to read that? I realized I was writing more for others than for myself. Then I started looking at what other people did with their blogs. I really appreciated the fact that they would write, regardless of the amount or quality of content. So this is what I have decided to model my blog after. I will try to blog every night so summarize the day and remember the good and the bad and reflect. I am saddened it took me so long to realize this, but I am so ready to share the positives of my life. If you’re thinking that this sounds incredibly annoying and you don’t care about my everyday life, then I encourage you not to read it.

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