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Monday, August 1, 2016

On the Nanny Life

Being a mom can be such a rewarding, yet trying, part of life. There is so much to consider, appointments to attend, paydays to receive, practices to get to on time, nap times, homework, and meal prep. I am not a mom, but I still live this life as a nanny for four. This is an equally trying and rewarding experience, complete with the silver lining of being able to go home and get my alone time every night. My time as a nanny has completely prepared me for motherhood, and I have been told I should recount my experiences on my blog.

My four kids, two big kids and two toddlers (when did they grow up!), are all super sweet and loving, but still navigating life and testing their limits everyday. 9GoingOn19 is responsible and helpful, but definitely needs to get her priorities in check! ConstantlyActive is 8 and he is CONSTANTLY ACTIVE, which is great, and also...not. SweetAndSassy is 2-almost 3-and definitely testing her limits, but always minds her manners. BlueEyedBeaut is 2 in a few days, and constantly trying to keep up with her older siblings, meaning she has developed quickly, but also pushes her limits as much as her siblings. I love each and every one of these kids, and each day they teach me while I (hopefully) teach them. I have learned patience on a level I never knew existed, how to manage picky eaters, the best way to plan ahead, and that things don't always go according to Plan A, B, C, or K. No matter how miserable you feel the day is, the sweet smiles that cross the faces of these kids make everything worth it. 

So no, I'm not a mom--yet. But I have dealt with cribs full of exploded dirty diapers, doors slammed in my face, ER trips, crazy days carting kids to and from school, cheer, baseball, playdates, and whatever else life throws out that day. To say I am prepared for motherhood would be an understatement. To say I must really know what I am doing would be a terrible exaggeration. I am learning as I live each day and really trying to fit in with the daily rhythm changes these kids experience. We have all gone through a lot together, and I have taught them life lessons just as much as I have learned a few of my own. 

Lessons I have taught:
Make choices that reflect the kind of person you want to be.
No one else is responsible for the choices you make.
Friends come and go, but your family will always be there for you.
Trust isn't given easily, rather it is earned.
Bullies need help.
Rightfully prioritizing your life leads to happy days.
Responsibilities first, play later.

Lessons I have learned:
Plans change. Figure it out.
There is no perfect family.
Eating healthy is great; junk is okay too, in moderation.
Life gets complicated.
Your level of patience depends on the day of the week, how much coffee you have inhaled, and how many kids are in your house.
The house will get messy. It is okay.

Today was definitely one of the more trying days I've had, but I am living to tell the tale. No matter how tough life may seem, others have it worse. Ultimately, nothing can replace the joy I feel when I watch these kids accomplish something or create something great. I am blessed by the job I have and I cannot wait to tell my tales.


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